
Captain Judy fishing report ,Savannah, 2-27


“Kicking Fish Tail Since 1956”

POB 30771


912 897 4921 912 897 3460 FAX

Captain Judy’s email

February 28, 2011

Saltwater Inshore, Offshore, Blue Water fishing reports, Freshies Suggestions, and “Little Miss Judy’s Believe It or Not story! Thanks for Reading!

Table of contents

MISS JUDY CHARTERS 2011 CLASS SCHEDULE there has been a change..

Captain Judy Fisheries Comments

Oral History of Georgia Fisheries

Bait is starting to show up!

Cold Water Reds Fishing with Captain Ray Crawley on Thursday, February 17, 2011

Eddy-a-tized Finding different moving water in one place, what to look for, and what to do when you find it!


Savannah Snapper Banks Fish catching possibilities for April, May, and June 2011

Gulf Stream Stuff MAKOS

The 2011 Hilton Head Harbor Wahoo ShootOut!

Freshies Report Aging your bait!

Little Miss Judy Believe it or Not! A tire tale!


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Please note some changes have been made..


“Kicking Fish Tail Since 1956”

Inshore and offshore classes

Offshore Class

March 5, 2011 in the classroom has been changed to an on the water class Costs $ 125.00

Due to requests we have changed Saturday March 5, 2011 offshore class from a class room school to an on the water class…….if you have signed up and have not been contacted, please give me a call 912 897 4921 or email

March 6, 2001 Sunday offshore is still an on the water class $ 125.00

We still have a few spots left…

Inshore class

March 12, 2011 in the classroom has been changed to an on the water class $ 125.00

Due to requests we have changed Saturday March 12, 2011 inshore class from a class room school to an on the water class…….if you have signed up and have not been contacted, please give me a call 912 897 4921 or email

March 13, 2011 Sunday inshore is an on the water class $ 125.00

We still have a few spots left..

On the water classes are departing from

Miss Judy Charters

124 Palmetto Drive

Savannah Georgia 31410

912 897 4921

Or visit

Captain Judy’s Fisheries Comments

I would like to welcome the new kids on the block. The Georgia Fisheries Alliance is a group of not only concerned fishermen, but also citizens that think that it’s time to speak out about current decisions made by those that govern our fisheries. I am supporting this soon to be organization and if you want to be added to the email list, please email…87653484588005

Oral History of Georgia Fisheries

Part one

With Captain Judy Helmey

Inshore waters are showing more signs of life!

Bait is starting to show up!

I have been seeing bait around my dock, which is located on Turner’s Creek. While inshore fishing this past week on the flats in the sound I saw small bait fish hugging the bottom and then making way in small schools. This is a sign that spring is springing into action!

Cold Water Reds

Fishing with Captain Ray Crawley on Thursday, February 17, 2011
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Captain Ray Crawley and Captain Kathy Brown! Now I bet there is a story here!

Fishing with Captain Ray Crawley on Thursday, February 17, 2011

Low tide 1:25 PM

High 7:21 PM

Captain Ray picked Captain Kathy Brown and I (Captain Judy) up at 11:00 AM at my dock located on Turners Creek. It was Captain Ray’s fish plan to be where he was going to fish at the last of the out going tide stage. After a cold ride to the tune of about 47 mph to a flat located in Warsaw Sound we started looking for red fish. It’s funny about this time of the year. The water is cold so therefore the ride to the fishing ground can be very cold. However, when you stop all those clothes that you have wrapped yourself up in has to come off!

After arriving to the fishing spot and after un-layering we started looking for red fish. Captain Ray put the electric motor in the water and off we quietly went in search of singles or schools for cold water red fish. When I am offshore I guess you could call it “having an eye to knowing what you are looking at.” Well, looking for red fish and seeing has two different meanings.

When you are looking for red fish up on any flat it helps to know what kind of structure is covered with water. With the water being so crystal clear you can see very well. However, if you don’t know what to look for all things causing some sort of shading are either fish or not! In my case with Captain Ray as my guide he could say, “No that’s not a fish that a rock or a log or a branch of some sort!” As soon he started seeing schooling reds holding deep he would point with his rod and I would try to get a picture.

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Although this might not look like more than a water shot only it’s is not. Those darker spots are red fish holding right on the bottom. If you look close enough you can see right in the middle of the picture where a couple of red fish moved causing quite mud storm under the water. This fish were sitting perfectly still at least until our presences were known.

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This is a picture of a log lying right on the bottom, which is supporting quite a bit of marine life. It’s live structure like this that holds the interests of small bait fish looking for any sort of safe shelter. The log is sitting out in the middle of a flat all by its lonesome. So therefore any baits making way in this open area would appreciate an opportunity to hide or feed at this type of spot. Here’s the thing if the small fish think it’s safe and there is a food value the bigger fish already have this spot dialed in. Any spots like this are potential areas that hold the interest of fish.

When you do happen to spot a school of red fish Captain Ray suggests to always cast out in front of where they are heading and to never cast directly into the school. When motoring (electric motor or push pole) down an area it is always suggested to have the sun, when possible, at your back. Once you have traveled the distance down the flat Captain Ray then suggest pulling away from the bank as if you are leaving the area. Once into deeper water you can then crank your engine and run back up the bank of which you just fished. The reason for this move is it gives the fish holding on the bank a forgetting period meaning out of sight out of mind. Once you get back to the starting point, kill your engine, and pull quietly back up to the bank putting the sun at your back again.

Once you find a school of red fish your first cast is always going to be a good indication of whether or not you are going to get a bite. I know this sound crazy, but if the fish are not spooked they normally will hit bait cast out in front of them. However, if they are spooked they will make a scattering run. If you are working a bank where the water is in the grass it’s suggested that you cast into grass in front of the school and then pull your bait out. The landing with be muffled and thing coming out of the grass is a very normal things.
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This is a rigged weed less jerk bait, which works great when being worked in shallow water and in marsh grass. The best news is the way this bait is rigged once hit the fish doing so is most likely going to be hooked up. This bait was Captain Ray first choice. When he found that it didn’t no matte how he worked it he switch to another style. He rigged up a circle hook with a 20 pound fluorocarbon leader and laced a piece of peeling shrimp on. According to Captain Ray, if a worked bait doesn’t work give the fish something that they can smell. All you have to do with this bait is to cast it into the area let it sit on the bottom, and wait for hit. Once you get hit you bow to the fish rather than setting the hook. Please remember when using a circle hook you have to give the fish a little room to move, because it the moving that gets your fish hooked!


Finding different moving water in one place, what to look for, and what to do when you find it!

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I know that this sketch once transferred on to a disc didn’t come out too clear. Hopefully you can read it just enough to understand what I am suggesting. The arrows pointing to the left represent the main current of the river, which is the strongest. The top of the drawing shows an indention in the bank. Now if the bank was straight like on the bottom of the drawing the current would charge straight down. The bank on top with the indention causes water to reverse direction when the current is pushed into the pocket. When the current is reversed an eddy is formed right in the middle of the pocket. If the main current is extremely strong an eddy is formed and break off currents will still continue in the opposite direction down the bank. This reversed current, the eddy, and the continued current down the bank offers fishermen lots of catching possibilities.

At the first turn of the current, in the eddy, on the pocket wall, and current running backwards make for an interesting place for bait fish to hold. And all fish already know this. Picking a point to start is the easier part. Slap in the middle of the eddy is another spot that needs to be consider as a hot spot. The best way to find where the bait is holding and where the larger fish are feeding from is to let your float, float in the current with bait in tow. Believe me, I have done it, seen it, and fished situation like this before! The next thing you should be thinking is where can I apply this knowledge in regards to places that I fish?


(When targeting fish in the snapper grouper complex!)

Effective March 3, 2011 in federal waters

New Circle Hook Requirement

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From left to right…Kahle, circle hook, and “J” style hook

The requirement to used non-stainless circle hooks north of 28 degree N. Latitude is goes into effect March 3, 2011

You can use regular “J” hooks at the Savannah River Jetties, the inshore waters, and beachfronts, but when you move to the offshore waters all hooks when targeting fish listed in the snapper grouper complex must use circle hooks.

For inshore fishermen this means

Please purchase circle hooks and put them in your tackle box. You never know when you might get a good day and you would want to go offshore outside of the three mile limit to one of the artificial reefs. When bottom fishing in the area you will need to use circle hooks not “J” hooks.

Here’s just a few fish that are listed in this group: Sheepshead, scup, Atlantic spadefish, triggerfish, vermilion, grouper, amberjack, black sea bass, bank sea bass, sailor’s choice, red porgy, white bone porgy, knobbed porgy, bar jack, and etc….for the rest of the list please go to

To find the complete list of species in the South Atlantic snapper grouper management unit:

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From left to right: Eagle Claw hooks series L141 G Kahle hook series

Eagle Claw L197 G series hook circle series

These style hooks are very sharp, thin tinned, and work very well

Artificial Reefs

The Sheepshead bite is very good with offshore fishermen easily catching their limit of fish. The best news is this type of bite should last until Mid April!

For those of you that wonder what other kinds of fish you might catch while fishing at the artificial reefs at this time here is a short list..Flounder, black drum, red fish, summer trout, trigger fish, scup, blue fish, cold water sharks, and Atlantic sharpnose sharks. Now you must know the next line is going to be “You really never know what you might catch after all it’s the ocean!”

As far as what you might see on the surface….right whales, great white sharks, thresher sharks, and blue fin tuna! Whatever you do don’t forget your camera!

Savannah Snapper Banks

For those fishermen that like to plan ahead I suggest getting started. Here’s you fishing catching possibilities for April, May, and June 2011

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Vermilion Snapper also known as B-liners Season

Our vermilion snapper season will open April 1, 2011

Closed November 1 till March 31, 2011

Vermilion Snapper

For more information…5/Default.aspx

Grouper Season

Our grouper season will open on May 1, 2011

January 1 till April 30 2011
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Captain Judy holding up a nice scamp grouper

For more information…Y%3d&tabid=139

Black Sea Bass Closure

Closes February 12, 2011 until opens on June 1, 2011

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Here’s a date that all fishermen need to be aware of. The black sea bass season will close on February 12 of this month. It will reopen on June 1, 2011. This means if you catch a black sea bass during the closure time you need release as soon as possible.

For more information…2/Default.aspx…k%3d&tabid=272

Gulf Stream Stuff


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Juvenile Mako Shark, which charged my boat and acted as if it had the power to do something upon arrival. While bottom fishing at the Savannah Snapper Banks I watched as this shark stalked our boat while holding out on the outskirts. However, when a bottom fish was brought to the surface the shark must have picked up on the distress signals sent, because it basically charged our boat. I watched as the shark swam with fin out of the water while sporting it cobalt blue fighting colors speed right towards the boat. It was so intent on eating that it wasn’t even bothered by the fact that I was at least 30 times larger than it. As soon as the shark made its approach the customer not knowing of the pending attack picked his caught fish out of the water, which really sent the shark into overdrive. It basically darted around the boat with an arched back, which said “Ready to attack as well as feed!” Before I could say anything it went after a small piece of squid on one of the bottom rigs. As soon as it felt the pressure the shark really put on a show!

Once hooked up the shark jumped and seemly sailed across the surface of the water. On one particular jump I saw quite a bit of light between it and the water. For every time I hooked up one of these fish it seems that they spend more time pulling away right on the surface. While making a strong the Mako would then jump catching lots of air with every leap.

What I know personally about a Mako Shark!

Over the years I have had a quite few close encounters with the mako shark. Once you get up and close with this fish you can realize a lot about them. Just looking at that mouth design makes you know that once they decided to attack something it chances for missing most likely isn’t going to happen. It jaw is lined with wicked-looking teeth, which are sharply pointed with most of them curved inward. The eyes, which are on the large size probably, allow this fish to make precise attack moves. The coloring white bottom along with blue upper shows us that those above this fish especially in blue water will never see them coming and the ones below haven’t got a clue. This makes the moves of a mako more signature than ever.

I did a little checking in my library picking out the first book I came too, which was called Salt Water Game Fishes published in 1958. Here are some interesting things that found out about some of Makos that were caught, fought, and brought back to the dock in the good old days…

According to the author, which was Edward C Migdalski, he came across some pretty interesting tails when came to the mako shark.

The largest Mako taken on rod and reels was 12 feet long and weight 1,000 pounds. It was captured off Mayor Island, New Zealand on March 14, 1943 by B D Ross

In the Western Atlantic the largest specimen recorded was about 10 feet 6 inches long and was taken of St Petersburg, Florida. Another Mako of 10 feet 2 inches was captured off New York Harbor. Heck, according to this book Ernest Hemingway took one on rod and reel of Bimini, Bahamas, that weighted 786 pounds.

The Mako is mostly a fish eater and is often seen pursuing mackerel and other fishes. The Mako is not one that will hesitate when attacking large fish. A 730 pound Mako taken off Bimini was found to have a 120 pound swordfish with bill included in its stomach. Another specimen of about 800 pounds harpooned off Montauk had been seen attacking a swordfish. When opened up the Make contained about 150 pounds of its victim.

The 2011 Hilton Head Harbor Wahoo ShootOut!

World Famous “YELLOWFIN YACHTS” have just agreed to offer a $ 20,000 voucher towards the purchase of any new YELLOWFIN YACHTS boat. The winning captain will receive this $ 20,000 voucher at the awards party on April 16, 2011.

Freshies Report

Aging your bait!

This is a good freshwater tip when targeting channel cats

Almost any kind of dead minnows will catch channel cats, but dead bait softens up with use and tears off the hook. Here’s a way to keep it on the hook much longer.

Spread the minnows on a screen and let them dry in the sun for several hours. The screen lets both sides dry out and toughen up. Use the minnows as soon as they’re dry, or freeze them in a plastic bag to use later.

Those fishermen that want to “GO FISH LAKE LANIER”

Bill Vanderford is “Lake Lanier’s Legend!”

For more about my long time friend Bill Vanderford as well as his accomplishments, his freshwater charter trips or wildlife tours, books written and his special line up of tackle offered, please visit his site for all the details! For more details go

Little Miss Judy Believe it or Not!

A tire tale!

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While walking in my yard the other day I found this tree which has out grown my father’s self watering system. A couple of weeks ago I wrote about how my father made good use of discarded auto tires. This one method of putting a tire around a tree was thought of as a good idea. As you can see when the tire was placed on this tree it was very small. My father reasoning was when it rained some of the water would get hemmed up in the tire, which was around the tree. Before placing the tire around the tree he would make a few slices on the side facing down. These semi openings would allow water to seep down in the ground watering the tree when it most likely needed it the most. Since according to daddy the drier the ground the more the water was drawn to it.

And of course there is the mosquito breeding factor. Basically where there is standing water it becomes a hatchery for these insects. My father never mentioned this and I don’t think it ever crossed his mind. It was his thoughts that the big cigar that he smoked took care of keeping these biters away!

Thanks for reading! Captain Judy

Captain Judy Helmey
912 897 4921

Attached Images

Sport Fishing Forums – North Carolina, South Carolina & Georgia


Fishing On Miss Hazel Destin Florida

We charter this Boat every year and always catch a lot of fish. It is a real big boat so 9 people can fish at once. Charter boat Miss Hazel. TW Owens charters. Captain Bill Williams
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Capt. Blair battles grouper in 3 feet of water with Capt. Tadd Vandemark on this episode of Addictive Fishing. More info:
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Yellowfin Tuna Fishing Charters – Dorado fishing – Red Snapper – Louisiana Yellowfin Tuna Fishing Charters – whether your tuna fishing, wahoo fishing, dorado fishing, amberjack fish, cobia, mangrove snapper tuna fishing, marlin sailfish, lemon snapper, red snapper fishing, or fishing for grouper, contact us for charter fishing trips. Offshore…
Video Rating: 5 / 5

The best fishing on the Oregon Coast begins in Yaquina Bay. If these charter boat captains don’t know where the fish are, then nobody does! Winner of 2009 Aegis Award and 2010 Telly Award.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

The Southern Fishing Report” by Ken Sturdivant 2-27

The Southern Fishing Report”

By Ken Sturdivant

106 Hickory Ridge

770 889 2654

Cumming, Georgia 30040

February 25, 2011


Bass fishing is honest and the fish are ready to feed. Begin with the jigs and the modest Spot Stickers with a green finesse worm. Glimpse for the spots shallow to deep at ten ft to thirty toes deep. It’s tough to beat a tiny Spot Sticker and a Zoom green finesse worm on any primary lake stage. Also perform the deeper docks and a jerk bait and a #five Shad Rap will get some motion. Today on your own, we found tons of blue backs in the backs of the creeks and the spots are going to adhere to them day-to-day as the drinking water warms. Also the spoon will nevertheless perform if you see deep fish on factors or outdated road beds. Perform the spoons in the mouths of the reduced lake creeks and use a 1/two ounce Hopkins spoon. The deep fish are nonetheless consuming dying bait so be prepared for some quickly action if the universities of bait fish present up. We did not have that significantly accomplishment with crank baits but the jerk baits are working in pearl or any shad pattern. Cast them and jerk them three occasions and permit them suspend. But be confident to have tons of line on the reels and the stripers will appear following this bait also. All around the marina docks or more substantial docks use a night time crawler or medium shiners can perform and be sure to use light line. Include a modest split shot on the line and permit the baits get deep. Begin at 20 ft and deeper is a very good area to glimpse.

This Lake Lanier Striper report is from Captain Ken West and Captain Mike Maddalena of Massive Fish On! Guidebook Service, 404 561 2564.

Striper fishing is slow. The temperatures are soaring and the lake is commencing to warm and the fishing continues to be difficult. The lake is clear down to ten ft and you can visually see the bait fish. We are nonetheless in the middle of a thread fin shad die off and the stripers are feeding on the dead and dying threads generating the fishing tough. The stripers have all the food they want with extremely minor work. There are birds on the south conclude as considerably as you can see choosing up dying threads to the position wherever they can hardly fly. Consequently, the birds are tiny support in finding fish. We have had reviews of a few fish becoming caught at night on bucktail jigs fished shallow on details in Flat and Balus creeks. Throughout the day umbrella rigs and small baits are selecting up a number of fish in Flat, Balus and Mud creeks in the 1st two several hours of the early morning. Do not hesitate to examine other creeks lake extensive from center to all the way in the back again. Pulling a combination of little and medium measurement baits on free of charge lines fifty – 70 ft again and bait 10 – 20 ft powering planner boards while casting a 1/2 ounce bucktail is a great technique in checking out creeks. As usually an umbrella rig stays an outstanding software in looking for fish.

February 25, 2011


Bass fishing has been great. Fish have bit a small greater this week. With latest warmer temperatures fish pulled up a minor next bait searching for warmer temperatures. Fish are grouping up on sluggish tapering rocky details as they transfer into pockets staging for spawn. Use chrome lipless crankbaits and shallow operating crankbaits. This pattern will generate the 1st handful of fish which have been larger. The moment you have produced multiple casts to a presented position sluggish down with a Carolina rigged finesse worm to get a couple of much more bites. The 2nd pattern has been slow rolling spinnerbaits via shallow brush piles in the backs of pockets. Do not assume numerous bites, but this can generate you that kicker fish you require.

Hybrid and striper fishing is very good. Fish are grouping on shallow humps and roadbeds in ten ft of h2o. Above the final week fish moved from their deeper depths following bait. Drop dwell shad into schools of fish.

Crappie fishing has been excellent. Fish moved into short pockets in coves and creeks in planning to spawn. Fish have moved genuinely shallow so do not be surprised to catch fish in much less than three feet of water. Use stay minnows eighteen inches beneath a cork. Fish are genuinely grouped so if you do not get bit speedily be prepared to move to the next pocket. When you get bit the exact same place should offer many fish.

February 25, 2011

LAKE ALLATOONA IS thirteen.2 Feet, 50 DEGREES AND Clear

Bass fishing is honest and the fish are on spoons, jerk baits little finesse worms and jigs. Search on primary lake and deeper creek details at twelve toes as nicely as the creek ledges. Slow moving baits will be the best alternative for bass and scent can help. Use these lures extremely gradually in and on the creek mouths and deeper coves. Bomber 7A’s in child bass or pearl white are honest down lake. Operate worms and crank baits on reduce lake major lake rocky details. Use the smaller sized Texas rigged lizard in pumpkinseed or drinking water melon and include some True Craw scent. Later on each day use a more substantial green Zoom u tail worm on and about the docks and function it dead slow. Use some jack’s juice and add a glass Venom rattle in the worm and allow it sink on a free of charge line. Slowly function the worm appropriate in the brush about these docks.

This Lake Allatoona striper and hybrid fishing guides report has been brought to you solely by Robert Eidson of 1st Bite Guide Service, 770 827 6282. Lake Allatoona, Georgia e-mail:

Linesides fishing Is beginning to get very good. The shad kill is 99 % about with. Fish are commencing to consume. Tiny River through the S turns to Victoria Landing are holding decent figures of hybrids. The southern finish also has some fish in the Allatoona Creek area. Flat-lines, planer boards and down-lines are all operating greatest at sunup and sundown. Throughout the center of the day, U-rigs are the greatest bite correct now. “With increasing drinking water temps, it nearly seems to be like they’re staging for the river run. By the 2nd week of March, the river operate will be full swing,” We even now have a number of days open up coming week. Give me a contact at 770 827-6282 and book your journey right now.

February 25, 2011


Bass fishing is very good after the complete moon and we can expect some shallow fish the rest of the month. Work the shallows at daylight and then get some crank baits and hit the details. Modest to medium shad crank baits are beginning to work on creek bends down lake as properly as primary lake factors. The fish are transferring as the water warms. Use the Zoom gourd green worm on a Texas rig in the tight bank cover. Glimpse on the details down lake and try out the brass and glass mixture and a Texas rigged Culprit red shad or green shad worm. Cast them right on top of any brush pile in 12 to 19 ft of drinking water. Be confident to hit any blow downs with the jig or the worm. Do not be afraid to fish these baits genuinely shallow specially soon after mid day. Fish mid way back again in the creeks on the larger docks. These docks will warm the bordering waters. Shad Raps in pearl of normal shad will also function but use mild ten pound have confidence in to get the baits to run a little deeper.

February 25, 2011

LAKE RUSSELL IS DOWN 3.three Feet, Clear, 53 DEGREES

Bass fishing is honest and the fish are transferring to the shallows lake broad. Glimpse on the main lake points and creek ledges at 10 ft. Use the gourd green worm on a Texas rig in the restricted bank cover. Up the creeks search for any clearing drinking water. Then use a darkish jig and pig blend and fish restricted in any cover from the financial institution as considerably out as 15 ft. The Stanley jigs in the three/8 ounce measurement in darkish reds and blacks with a matching #eleven Uncle Josh trailer will be best. Include Actual Craw scent and use it typically casting to the exact same place. The most regular shallow bait is a #five or #7 Shad Rap in fire tiger, shad or chrome blue. The RS series Shad Raps can also be excellent if the fish are attracted to rattling, suspending baits. Attempt crank baits on rip rap blow downs, brief pockets and coves.

February 25, 2011


Bass are restricted on creek bends down lake as well as major lake points. The fish are sluggish and all presentations will want to be the identical. Use the Zoom gourd green worm on a Texas rig in the restricted financial institution cover. Up the creeks use a darkish jig and pig mix and fish restricted in any cover from the bank as significantly out as 15 toes. The Stanley jigs in the three/eight ounce dimensions in darkish reds and blacks with a matching #11 Uncle Josh trailer will be best. Include Actual Craw scent and use it frequently casting to the very same location. Spoons in the one/two ounce measurements are the much better winter time lures in and over outdated trees and normal construction.

February 25, 2011


Bass fishing is good. The bass are actually commencing to move up on the beds now. Sight fishing is actually a great way to catch bass proper now, as lengthy as you are in apparent water in close proximity to a good bedding area. Use a excellent pair of polarized eyeglasses to uncover the beds and the bass. Once you find a bass on bed, you need to decide regardless of whether or not the fish is worth your time. Some of the bass will be locked on and will stay on the mattress when you pitch your bait in. These are the ones that will usually bite. If the bass swims off when you pitch in your bait, than they usually are the ones that are hard to catch. Each and every bedding bass is various, so you just have to experiment to discover a minor about each fish. There are several diverse baits that will catch bass, nevertheless Big Bite Baits has recently intended 1 that is going to be awesome. With the aid of Dean Rojas, Massive Bite has intended a sight fishing bait named the Warmouth. It actually resembles a bream feeding on the eggs of a bass when Texas rigged. Go to and see a preview of the bait, and I think you can pre-order them. They need to be on shelves mid March. If you don’t genuinely like sight fishing, then you have other choices. 1 good method is to use a jerk bait in close proximity to spawning regions. Go with the new Spro McStick 95, as it is a minor smaller than its authentic 110. The bait functions genuine properly on 10 lb. Sunline FC Sniper, so you may have to use a spinning outfit. Fast erratic steps with 4-five 2nd pauses look to perform best this time of 12 months. This strategy really works effectively, so go out and give it a shot. The very best colour in my viewpoint is distinct chartreuse.

February 25, 2011

LAKE GEORGE IS Full, fifty five DEGREES &amp Distinct

Bass fishing is very good and the drinking water is warming fast. Search on primary lake deeper creek points and on the principal lake creek ledges. Early each and every day use a slow shifting bait for the bass and scent can aid. Use these lures really little by little in and on the creek mouths and deeper coves. Use the Texas rigged lizard in pumpkinseed or drinking water melon and add some Genuine Craw scent. Later on each and every day use a greater green Zoom u tail worm on and around the docks and work it dead slow. Gradually perform the worm proper in the brush close to these docks. Fish the main river channel with Carolina rigs in twelve to eighteen toes of drinking water. Smaller sized baits seemed to be the ticket like a 4 inch Zoom tube bait .Find the educational institutions keeping about the deeper construction in 15 to 18 feet and use sluggish shifting baits. Attempt the Carolina rigs and tiny to medium DT10 crank baits. If we can get a handful of warm sunny days back glimpse for the shallow grass bite to pick up.

February 25, 2011


Now accessible for sale fifty of my verified GPS waypoints for off shore construction for Bass and Crappie fishing on Weiss Lake, Alabama. E mail

Jiffy Jigs Largest Crappie contest Arrive fish with me and have a chance to win a 50.00 dollar prize sponsored by JIFFY JIGS. The greatest Crappie caught in my boat every month in February and March will win the prize.

Bass fishing is honest and a few largemouth are commencing to show up on secondary factors and the rip rap around the bridges major into significant spawning creeks, Rat L Traps and Spinnerbaits are catching these staging fish. Tiny River is nonetheless creating some great Spot fishing in the upper component on the previous river ledges and the steep rock banks, a drop shot rig with a four inch worm or a small craw is functioning excellent.

Striper fishing is very poor and a number of Stripers are becoming caught in the upper Coosa river trolling one/4 ounce jigs with a 3 and 4 inch white Sassy Shad trailer, at 1.five -2 mph.

Crappie fishing is wonderful and our fish are beginning to stage in the bays and cove’s on a pre spawn pattern. Some fish are shallow in two to 4 toes of water and they are getting caught on minnows, but the greater females are nevertheless staged in six to 12 ft of h2o. Extended line trolling with Jiffy Jigs in one/24 ounce in shades JJ12, JJ13, JJ17, JJ24 is generating some great Weiss Lake slabs.

February 25, 2011


Lake Oconee Line Aspect report brought to you by Mark Smith at Reel Time Information Service. 404-803-0741.

Bass fishing is fair. The bass are beginning to move into the shallow spring places. Uncover rocks and work modest crank bait off of the rocks. With the water temp escalating everyday much more fish will begin to move in the creeks and coves, following the bait. Some greater fish have proven up on the jig fished under docks and framework. Make confident the dock is near deeper drinking water. This is the time of 12 months for alter so be all set to modify as the weather conditions alterations.

Line facet fishing great Spring is coming. It is time to head to the dam. Make sure you have all the kinds of bait you will will need. One particular day they like shiners, and the up coming they like shad. Glimpse for fish to stage off of striper position and the boat property at the dam. Have down lines and flat lines ready. Soon after the long winter months these fish will be hungry. Now is the time to take a child fishing. These fish really should keep on the south finish of the lake till May well.

Crappie fishing is very good. The crappie bite is starting up up. It is day to day. You go out 1 day and can not uncover the fish and the subsequent day you have difficulty retaining a line in the water. The fish have proven up in Lick creek and up the Appalachia River. It will not be lengthy ahead of they are in Sugar Creek also. Now is the time to put large slabs in the cooler. Dark jiffy jigs suggestion with a minnow, black blue is my very first pick. Some of the bigger fish have proven up in extremely shallow drinking water. It is just heading to get much better as spring gets nearer.

Catfish report by Chad Smith Guide Service. Above the past week the cat fishing has gotten greater with the warming water temp. The bite has been about the timber on the principal lake among sugar creek and the parks ferry campground fishing the channels in 30-35 feet of h2o. Most of the fish came on thread fins this week. Go to or contact 706-207-2411 for a lot more data.

February 25, 2011


Bass are biting and they are shallow. The fish are proper on the banking institutions and except if we get some chilly weather conditions, they will keep shallow for at least 10 days. Docks are excellent pre spawn sizzling spots. And if there is a creek channel shut by operate a big crank bait or use a short Carolina rigged pumpkinseed lizard correct in into the docks and then on the channel ditch. Use the black and red Stanley 1/2 ounce jig and a bigger Professional Pork Trailer by Uncle Josh is very good on the stumps rows and previous creek ditches. Perform jigs gradually above cover as the Bass settle to the sharper drops on creek financial institutions and points. Zoom’s pumpkinseed lizards with a red tail on a Carolina rig has been fair all day. Spinner baits and crank baits will perform. Head to the northwest coves and the Bass are in the mouths of the major lake and major river creeks. Appear on the deeper factors and the on outdated creek bends and they are restricted on cover. Whitewater creek is a fantastic winter and early spring staging region for the Bass.

February 25, 2011

JACKSON LAKE IS DOWN Feet, Clear &amp fifty five DEGREES

Bass fishing is fair and the Bass are shifting lake vast. The early morning hours bite is very good and the fish are biting a selection of baits. Worms and jigs are greatest early. Then mid day, get out the deep diving crank baits and work the and ledges off the factors. Wooden can be the important as the water warms all around any sort of old wooden. Great lures to catch these suspending Bass are the amount five Shad raps in the red crawfish colour and the perch shade or a Rapala DT10. Zoom u tail worm rigged Carolina type with a 3/16 ounce bodyweight and a three foot leader are honest up lake. Check out to match the coloration of the water with your bait as this appears to be the most productive way to get that bite. Any and all brush piles or stump beds that re keeping fish want a good application of each the crank bait and Carolina rig. No reviews on a prime h2o bite but get them spinnerbaits prepared for subsequent week.

Meet Bass Pro and tv personality Jimmy Houston at the North Metro Baptist Church on March 31, 2011. There will be a meal integrated in a $ ten.00 ticket at the door. Get in touch with 770 995 9055 or see for facts.

Ken Sturdivant, Lowrance Skilled Fishing Workers will be conducting No cost! Sonar Seminars at Bass Professional Shops Out of doors Entire world in Lawrenceville Georgia. The Fundamentals OF SONAR seminars are held on the previous Saturday of every month at 2pm. All seminars are subject matter to change without having recognize.

If you would like to have a no cost set up sheet for your sonar, send me an e mail to and inquire for the Sonar Setup Quick List.

We have these BASS FISHING guides for sale: BASS FISHING LAKE ALLATOONA BASS FISHING WEST Level LAKE, BASS FISHING LAKE RUSSELL , BASS FISHING WEST Stage LAKE and BASS FISHING LAKE HARTWELL. These textbooks are published exclusively for Bass and each e-book covers every week of the yr. Each guide $ 39.00. If you would like a sample of any guide, deliver us an e mail to Our mailing tackle is: Southern Fishing Universities Inc. 106 Hickory Ridge, Cumming Georgia 30040.

We have 3 guides that cover ALL SPECIES in these lakes, 52 WEEKS ON LAKE ALLATOONA, 52 WEEKS ON LAKE LANIER and 52 WEEKS ON WEST Point LAKE on sale. Each book is $ 23.95. Our mailing deal with is: Southern Fishing Universities Inc. 106 Hickory Ridge, Cumming Georgia 30040. Copyright 2011, Southern Fishing Schools Inc. Contact us to set up a school, Maps and Depth Finders or Rods, Reels and Lures for Bass. 770 889 2654.

Sport Fishing Discussion boards – North Carolina, South Carolina & Georgia


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Papi, Dana, Paul and Geza go fishing in Kona Hawaii. Papi has never been deep sea fishing. What and will he catch anything?
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Fishing in South Africa with Durban based Sport Fishing Charter and Fishing Guide Nikao Fishing Adventures. Deep Sea Fishing, Deep Sea Game Fishing, Bass Fishing, Durban Fishing, Wild Trout Fishing, Tiger Fishing. Come Fishing with Durban’s most popular ski boat based charter boat in the…
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fishing lake Winnipesaukee in the lakes region of new hampshire cool water charter’s

fishing on Lake Winnipesaukee in New Hampshire Catch Salmon Lake Trout, and Rainbow Trout with Travis Williams of Cool Water Charter’s www.fishlakewinni 603-455-0268 log on today fish on tomorrow

Fishing for Grouper on New years 2009 While Deep Sea charter Fishing tampa Saint Pete, Clearwater area in the Gulf of mexico .

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“Just Wonderfil” Fishing Charters ,Brooklyn,New York

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Lake Michigan charter fishing for trout and salmon out of Sheboygan Wisconsin. Enjoy some of the best salmon right here in Wisconsin. Fishing with Captain James Schlegel of Sea Dog Sportfishing Charters of Sheboygan. Current Lake Michigan fishing reports at or call 920-918-2628.

Record Sailfish Fishing in Durban South Africa

In June this year Nikao Fishing Adventures took his buddy Lionel out deep sea fishing on the boat Nikao off shore Durban South Africa and we got this record size 3.57m Fl almost 12ft Sailfish.