Starfish on Arcadia Beach Oregon – low tide

The pelicans flying over the waves were just like the ones we saw in Puerto Vallarta Mexico, beautiful and graceful as they fly in unison. Arcadia Beach is a perfect family spot for seeing some of the sea creatures clustered on the rocks at low tide. Beautiful, affordable and close to Canada or California, and Washington, Arcadia Beach had many vacationers having great summer fun. Music: Ambient-M (2003) by Antony Raijeko
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Dad has a great time fishing with the boys. I highly recommend taking your sons fishing with Master Captain Mike Abdow of: Abdow’s Magic Fishing Charters of Cape Cod Ma. He’s a true “Old Salt”, with plenty of tough love. He has the right stuff for a great time fishing the high seas with the boys.