spreads/colors advice, recommendations

I posted this on another fishing forum with minimal feedback, thought I would post it here as well…

We run a 4 line spread. all we have for the time being. fish the mudhole/fairway and due south of the island 20-30 miles at the most

typical spread, 2 green machines – one on a small pink bird way back, one mid way. zucchini spreader bar w/ mackerel williamson stinger on it on the short corner and a purple/pink daisy chain between the non bird green machine and the way back.

we have a few other things in the bag (pink squid daisy chain, swim baits) that have not caught anything to date ,but these seem to ‘work the best’ minus the spreader bar, never had a sniff on the thus far. wrong color? wrong stinger?

any recommendations of colors? should I have birds on everything, 2 lines, 3 lines? if so does size and color of the birds matter to you?

what do you use for stingers on your spreader bars?

does anyone else run 2 spreader bars?

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