SOUTHEAST ALASKA DALL’S PORPOISE – DANCING IN WATER VIEWERS NOTE I Slowed down a few frames so you can see them better but I did not speed anything up! They really do swim that fast! Dall’s Porpoise world’s fastest porpoise 27-30 knots (31-34 miles) per hour – way faster than the boat! 7 feet long Conservation Dependent – Threatened Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Cetacea Suborder: Odontoceti Family: Phocoenidae Genus: Phocoenoides Species: P. dalli Binomial name Phocoenoides dalli (True, 1885) Dall’s Porpoise range Dall’s Porpoise (Phocoenoides dalli) is a species of porpoise that came to worldwide attention in the 1970s. It was disclosed for the first time to the public that salmon fishing trawls were killing thousands of Dall’s Porpoise and other cetaceans each year by accidentally capturing them in their nets. The Dall’s Porpoise is the only member of the Phocoenoides genus. It was named after American naturalist WH Dall. The unique body shape of the Dall’s Porpoise makes it easily distinguishable from other cetacean species. The animal has a very thick body and a small head. The colouration is rather like that of an Orca— the main body of the porpoise is very dark grey to black with very demarcated white patches on the flank that begin some way behind the flippers, which are small and close to the head. The dorsal fin is set just back from the middle of the back and sits up erect. The upper part of the dorsal fin
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