OIFC fishing report 8-18

The Hardee Boyz&quot | OIFC Earth Cat / Carolina Cat | 08/17/eleven

Captain Corey Bellamy (Beck’s Seafood in Calabash) and Kurt Hardee (Ellas’s Seafood in Calabash) took Luke and Calab Hardee, Kurt’s boys, and Jacob Frelich, (Corey’s nephew, Kurt’s sister’s son..it can be a Brunswick County, N.C. thang )sea bass fishing nowadays on what was meant to be beautiful calm seas. The east wind modified all that though.

They dropped lines with Charlie Browns, aka Lizard fish as bait. The current was terrible and they ended up catching mahi rather…and a sea bass. Luke Hardee was the angler on the mahi. The crew was fishing 65 ft deep close to the Jungle.

P.S. Luke. That mahi will never make it in the swimming pool until you include some Pogey Saver.

Thanks Corey for sharing the story and congratulations to the men on a great journey!

– Capt. Rickey Beck

Ocean Isle Fishing Middle- Ocean Isle Seashore, NC – for a lot more studies and upcoming fishing information visit www.OIFC.com

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