Captain Judy fishing report ,Savannah, 9-10


“Kicking Fish Tail Since 1956”

POB 30771


912 897 4921 912 897 3460 FAX

Captain Judy’s email

September 12, 2011 fishing report and story

Saltwater Inshore, Offshore, Blue Water fishing reports, Freshies Suggestions, and “Little Miss Judy’s Believe It or Not story! Thanks for Reading!

Table of contents

2012 INSHORE and OFFSHORE FISHING CLINICS Dates have been set

Please meet Dr. Chuck Ingle of Lady’s Island, South Carolina! Big red fish in hot water grass!
Inshore Shorts Whatever you do don’t forget your cast net!

Live Shrimp

Live finger mullet or Peanut menhaden

Captain Alan Collins of Miss Judy Charters, and red fish also known as spot tail bass, and channel bass

Spotted sea trout and red fish’s feeding quirts

Offshore Artificial Reefs It’s getting to be bottom fishing time of the year

Bottom fishing offshore with artificial baits!

Savannah Snapper Banks Savannah Snapper banks information that you need to know

Gulf Stream Suggestions A lure set up worth not only looking into but also adding to your spread!

Freshies Report I would rather have a Hopkins…

Little Miss Judy Believe It or Not! Please tell Castro that Big Red is on the way!!


Dates have been set

Our newly revised inshore handout material is going to be considered “priceless!” We are going to give you the best times to fish for what, when, and where for the entire year of 2012.

Any inshore fisherman that is considering going offshore they need to attend my offshore class. For more details scroll down …

One Inshore School
Saturday February 4, 2012

One Offshore School

Saturday February 11, 2012

Time: 8:00AM – 2:00 PM

Place: Tubby’s Tank House 2909 River Drive, Thunderbolt, Georgia 31404

Cost: $ 90.00 (included one day class, breakfast, and lunch)

Please call 912 897 4921 now for reservations

Please sign up as soon as possible! There is limited entry!

Capt Judy’s email

Capt Judy’s Cell 912 429 7671

For more detailed information go to OR GIVE US A CALL 912 897 4921

To sign up just give us a call or email and we will put you on the list. After the first of the year we will contact to check the status! Thanks and hope to hear from you soon! Captain Judy

Please meet Dr. Chuck Ingle of Lady’s Island, South Carolina!

Big red fish in hot water grass!

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Please meet Dr. Chuck Ingle of Lady’s Island, South Carolina. He is holding up a nice spot tail bass, which he caught while fly fishing from his kayak. This fish couldn’t pass up Dr. Chuck’s finger mullet fly pattern, which he was working with his seven weight fly rod. According to this report received Dr. Chuck would whether catch one fish like this than 10 others while using the traditional adjustable cork method. I have to admit I think he might be right in his thoughts about this one. It’s a known fact that the lighter the tackle “the bigger the bounce!” Thanks for reading my reports and also for sending me this great fishing report! Please keep them coming! Thanks Judy

Inshore Shorts
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Whatever you do don’t forget your cast net!

Even though it’s still very hot the inshore bite continues to get better and better. Despite the sweat that keeps popping up my brow the time has come to focus on fall fishing techniques. Although migrations from the bait’s stand point has not taken place things are being plan in the fish’s world. No matter what a plan to start bulking up has started. With that being said it’s time to think outside of the box.

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In the old live well all kinds of bait can survive. In this well there are shrimp, finger mullet, and peanut menhaden, which were all caught by throwing the old cast net!

Live Shrimp

It has been said by many including my father that when it comes to those that swim in the under water world all will eat shrimp. So since this is most plentiful bait available to us and those down under this would be the bait of choice. The best news about shrimp as bait at this time of the year is the fact that you can catch your own or purchase some at the local bait shop. You can present shrimp under a cork or just plain naked on a hook. Believe me, if a fish is there it will hit this bait.

Live finger mullet or Peanut menhaden

If you go with the theory that a larger fish didn’t get this big being stupid I suggest using larger live baits. Normally a larger trout will prefer a one stop feeding deal, which means if the big bite is available they might just take you up on it! As with anything else when targeting the “larger fish only” you end up down sizing you bite activity! The up size to the plan is when you do get a hit it’s normally a large fish! When it comes to finger mullet or peanut menhaden all you need is a cast net and you will be in the catching bait business!

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From left to right: spotted sea trout, Captain Alan Collins of Miss Judy Charters, and red fish also known as spot tail bass, and channel bass.

Spotted sea trout and red fish’s feeding quirts

As far as these baits when it comes to the old red fish they will gladly eat them too. The biggest difference between the red fish and spotted sea trout is their feeding quirts. The spotted sea trout is mostly a sight feeder and loves to kill first what it’s going to eat second. So therefore any live baits or something that looks and acts alive is going get the spotted sea trout’s attention. The red fish on the only hand will eat it live, fresh dead, and old dead as well as smelly! When going live it’s best to clip the tail a bit before casting into place. This adds a little scent and it also makes the bait move erratically. The red fish with its keen sense of smell as well as it’s homing in on distress vibrations normally when in the area will make way to this bait. If you are using fresh dead bait such as finger mullet or peanut menhaden I suggest cutting it up like a loaf of bread. And after you cut it up let it season a bit in the sun. This semi baking of the bait seals in the juices and then when it introduced back into the water “wanted smells happen!”

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Picture taken in September 2010

In the basket we have Spanish mackerel and black sea bass, which were caught on a short artificial reef trip in September 2010. Boy, how things do change!!

Offshore Artificial Reefs It’s getting to be bottom fishing time of the year

I keep hoping for a little top water action, but so far all I have gotten is bait fish on the surface. I would seem and it normally does mean where you have bait fish you have large fish. There should be some king or Spanish mackerel lurking about in the out skirts. However, to this date there have not been many king mackerel and only a few Spanish mackerel school being seen feeding on the surface.

Back in 2010 during the month of September while taking short fishing trips to the artificial reefs my plan was to bottom fish a bit and then do some trolling. This offered the customers a little change and they got to see a couple sides to a catching affair. At this time we might do some trolling, but unfortunately no Spanish mackerel catches to report!!

Bottom fishing offshore with artificial baits!

For those of you offshore fishermen that want to do a little bottom fishing now is the time to do a little experimenting… With water temperatures cooling a bit the bottom fishing should be very good. The artificial reefs and Savannah Snapper banks should be holding an array of bottom fish, which will gladly hit cut squid or fish…for those that just want to go jigging with artificial baits…I suggest leaving the squid at home!

Savannah Snapper Banks

Savannah Snapper banks information that you need to know

The bottom fishing still is good with our customers getting the opportunity to catch all kinds of fish. While using small pieces of squid or cut fish we have been catching an assortment of bottom fish. Here’s something to watch for especially when catching black sea bass at this time of the year.. Once you bring your catch to the surface, please beware that they have been gouging themselves on the many small baits. So as soon as you grab them they normally throw up all over you as well as any one standing next to you!! Boy it was a messy situation this past week!

Gulf Stream Suggestions

No reports at this time…the winds have been howling making sea conditions rough! Hey, there is always next week! But if you get a calm day it’s a great time of the year to catch all kinds of top water fish!!

A lure set up worth not only looking into but also adding to your spread!

All blue water fishermen including my self have theories about there personal trolling spread. I know when I fished the blue waters a lot I did. I pull baits on the surface, right under the surface, mid water column, and deep with great success. In the charter boat business on most occasions you can’t really pull what might work better, because of the crew on the boat. For instance:

If I had a charter with strong individuals willing to reel in and check baits continuously I would pull the stuff that always worked. However, what always worked sometimes was hard to work with. I love pulling planers with big baits and Ilanders rigged with horse ballyhoo let out so far that they were fishing in another world. These lures worked, but they came with a serious work out! If I had a charter that wanted to catch, but wasn’t going to be the type to help out I would go more with surface lures such as Aliens, birds, and Outlaws! This type spread worked like a charm too!

The bottom line is this and my father always said it so well! “You got to be where the fish are to catch them in the first place!” According to my father hooks did catch the fish, but if you were fishing where the fish were not you could bascially forget it!! I called this “Daddy Logic!”

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This is what we fishermen called “Birds and bait!” The “bird lures” are made by an assortment of lure manufactures. Since I am from the old school I always liked the Mold Craft Products. I always felt that there lures/birds were crafted to look and act just like something a fish would think was worth a serious chase. After all when it comes to any sort of lure it basically has to “look real time alive” once it placed in the water and pulled behind the boat.

The lure that is being pulled in tow behind the bird was what I called “the outlaw!” From the head shape you already know this is a lure that doesn’t push water. From my point of view when pulled it basically navigates while “making way” just like a real fish. Here’s the thing about this lure you can rigged it up with a ballyhoo or not, because it works both ways. It has a forward and backward shirt attached. So therefore when it pulled throw the water the front half folds half way over the back half making for some real live action. The skirts I made with material that reflects any sort of light bringing on big attentions to those down under.

Freshies Report

I would rather have a Hopkins…

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Photo by Bill Vanderford

This is probably one of the most old times used spoon types. This is called the “Hopkins Lure,” which has been used to catch fish by many a fisherman. Many years ago I had a fisherman on my boat tell me if he was ever stranded on an island and if he had a choice of fishing lures to have it would be the “Hopkins!” So now you know it’s proven by not only fish, but fishermen too!

As far as how to use this lure to it’s full potential…one suggestion is to simply cast it into place, let it sink, wait a few seconds, retrieve a bit, wait, and then retrieve.

Those fishermen that want to “GO FISH LAKE LANIER”

Bill Vanderford is “Lake Lanier’s Legend!”

For more about my long time friend Bill Vanderford as well as his accomplishments, his freshwater charter trips or wildlife tours, books written and his special line up of tackle offered, please visit his site for all the details! For more details go

Little Miss Judy Believe It or Not!

Please tell Castro that Big Red is on the way!!

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Please meet my Uncle “Reds” Helmey!

For those of you that want to read and interesting book, please purchase or borrow a copy of the “The Lemon Dance!” My Uncle Bobby also known as “Reds” Helmey is not a legend in his own mind, but in the minds of many including myself! It’s an interesting read and I remember when it all happened, because I was right there!

Please tell Castro that Big Red is on the way!!

In the early sixties my Uncle Bobby also known as Reds by many was called to do a duty. It was a mission of grand portions and he definitely was the one that was fit for this assign. After seeing the original “Mission Impossible” I always thought about my Uncle Bobby and his calling. As a young child I remember the Cuban Missile Crisis during the early sixties. It scared me to death, because television, what little I watched, didn’t paint a very good picture. And according to my father Cuba wasn’t so far away. I remember when we would go on vacation to Florida that we could actually hear the Cuban Radio station broadcast in our car. So with all this talk about pushing the button sending the missiles right over, I was a tormented child. To top all of this off I remember my father working hard at painting our old asbestos siding house. I had to ask and of course I did, “why are you going to so much trouble if we are just going to be blown up?” My father answer was simple and it seemed to calm me at least for the moment he said “It might not happen!” So with those few words I dropped the thought and went on about trying to do what a child does “playing in the yard having fun!”

In January of 1969 I was a senior at Savannah High School. I would graduate in the spring of 1969.

It was during that time that my Uncle Bobby dropped by on late evening. He along with my father was having a conversation about something. Daddy asked me to fix Uncle Bobby a ham sandwich. When I made it to the kitchen I saw Uncle Bobby with a white bandage around his head. I asked what happened and he replied that he had been hit by a swinging chain at the lumber yard. I said WOW and began fixing Uncle Bobby’s ham sandwiches. He ate the sandwiches, shook hands with my father, saluted him, and out the door he went. That was the last time that I saw him for a very long time.

Since I wasn’t there and what I am about to tell you is simply what is stored in my memory it’s only what I know. So here goes with me bringing to light the unbelievable story of grant portions about my Secret agent or not “007 Uncle Bobby!”

Once loaded on to the Delta Plane my uncle Bobby asked to make a detour to Cuba! His mission at least from what as I was told was to “take out Castro!” As soon as the plane landed on the tarmac Uncle Bobby was arrested by the Cuban soldiers.

Once capture he was tortured in many ways some of which my father told be about. There was this one time where Uncle Bobby was dipped in cold water then removed beat and then once again dipped once again back into the cold water. Those that held him prisoner wanted information, but my Uncle Bobby could never be broken. I was always told that Uncle Bobby had studied the Cuban culture and he knew of their religionist belief forwards and backwards. He also knew that during these times it was a religionist “foe paw” to tamper with much less kill anyone with red hair. And you guessed it; my uncle Bobby had a head full of bright red hair.

Armed with this knowledge and all along hoping for this to work a very red headed Uncle Bobby managed to stay alive through some real mental and as well lots of physical torture. Once it was decided that Uncle Bobby wasn’t going to talk, because he didn’t have anything to say “to the prisons he went.” Once arriving at his would be home for a while his acts for staying alive went into play. While waiting for the full moon Uncle Bobby would break off his finger nails and carefully place them in the cuff of his pants. When the full moon was high in the sky he would take the nails throw them up in the air and when they fell to the ground he would arrange them with a purpose. Then he would read them by “red headed Bobby tongues” acting as if he was communicating with someone from a much higher power. Then he would drop down on all fours and basically howl at the moon. For those viewing this strange happening shared it with all the others. This made Uncle Bobby a person of interest in more ways than one!

As the story was told to me, while Uncle Bobby was being transferred to Russia he basically escaped and made way back to the United States. Once arriving here in Savannah, Georgia he was supposedly arrested and then charged with the high jacking. According to my father the door to the Chatham County jail cell where Uncle Bobby was supposed to be held was never locked. If he wanted a steak for dinner it was delivered promptly.

My uncle’s lawyer was the ever popular Sonny Seiler. If you don’t know this is one attorney that can own a court room especially when he feels the need to do so. In my Uncle Bobby’s case Sonny Seiler’s job became real interesting since he may or may not have been since by the CIA to do this deed. Believe me Attorney Seiler pulled all the twists, turns, and possibilities out putting then out in stage front operations. The jurors hung on every word as they do in most of Seiler high profile cases such as this.

After hearing the complete story it was their job was to decide whether or not he was sane or insane while doing the high jacking. The jury deliberated for about 15 minutes and reached a verdict of “Innocent by reason of temporary insanity on all counts!” With this deal done my Uncle Bobby remains the only individual ever acquitted of high jacking of a commercial airliner.

Thanks for reading! Captain Judy

Captain Judy Helmey
912 897 4921

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