Bluefin tuna fishing

It introduces the bluefin tuna fishing of Japan.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

In this video I am handfeeding dolphins. All my life gillnetting, we have hand fed dolphins right next to our gillnet and never harmed or killed any dolphins. Our nets are made of soft material that is too weak to hold a dolphin. In 1993 the conservation group CCA formerly known as the as the FCA lied to the public in a sport fishing magazine article about gillnett fishermen killing a million dolphins a year in Florida. I guess they did not do the math since that would mean that 2739 were killed by gillnet every day for a year.If this were true that would mean that there would be dolphins floating everywhere. In the thiry years of my fishing career I have never heard of a dolphin being killed by a mullet net. Please read the information at the end of the video and have an open mind. Commercial fishermen are NOT the bad guys we are made out to be! There is no real reason we should not be able to use gillnet in Florida except that CCA lied about commercial fishermen killing dolphins, manatees, sea turtles and sea birds which NEVER happened with our method of fishing. Thank you for reading my post from a third generation fisherman.
Video Rating: 5 / 5