A Moster Is Born – Whale Wars Season 4.

From last year’s destruction, a monster is born. Watch “Gojira” in action when Whale Wars returns with an all-new season. The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society’s ongoing struggle to end Japanese whaling will continue on Season 4 of Whale Wars, premiering Summer 2011. I do not own this video. The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society recently unveiled that a fast new interceptor vessel, the MV Gojira, will be joining them for their 2010/2011 anti-whaling campaign in the Southern Ocean. (The name “Gojira” is Romanized Japanese for “Godzilla.”) The new boat will replace the Ady Gil, which sank after a collision with a Japanese whaling vessel, the Shonan Maru #2, on January 6, 2010. The MV Gojira is a unique, high-tech, stabilized monohull vessel. The boat is 115 feet in length, roughly twice the size of the Ady Gil, and powered by twin diesel engines. Construction on the vessel began in June 1997. It was built to circumnavigate the world in less than 80 days, which it did in the summer of 1998, traveling 22600 nautical miles in 74 days, 20 hours and 58 minutes. It held the Guinness World Record for a powered vessel for roughly 10 years until it was beaten by the Ady Gil in June 2008. After winning the world record in 1998, the MV Gojira was used for charter fishing, film work and the occasional marine rescue operation. During this time, the vessel was known as the Ocean 7 Adventurer. In June 2008, the Ocean 7 Adventurer was moved to the east coast of South Africa to observe the
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