Mono-hulls can’t compete in big seas

The purpose of a catamaran is to handle the heavy seas; which is what they were designed to do. They were developed in South Africa to handle the heavy seas. Cats can be used when the bigger 50′-60′ boaters go out on the heavy seas and can run as fast if not faster. The mono-hulls cannot compete with this in the bigger seas.
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A new season of The Outer Banks Angler is coming to you on the Outer Banks and The Sportsman Channel This is a teaser of the Winter Pot Luck episode that was recently shot. This is edited down to give you a taste of what to expect from the upcoming season. It’s cold…and not pretty…but that’s what offshore fishing is at this time of year on The Outer Banks. Enjoy and check out for more info. Check your local listings…you never know if we’ll show up on your favorite sports channel!