Packers/Bears Deep Sea Fishing Expedition in Aruba

New Bedford fishing captain describes the offshore fishery for clams. The commercially processed clam industry makes use of two species of clams, both found in the deep waters of the Atlantic Ocean. The first clam species is the “Surf” or “Sea Clam” (Spissula solidissima). The second variety is the “Ocean Clam” or “Ocean Quahog” (Arctica islandica). While the Ocean Clams may look like similar to the New England Chowder Clams (Mercenaria mercenaria) and even share the nickname “Quahog”, they are totally different species. Currently there are approximately 2.565 million bushels of Sea Clams, and approximately 4.2 million bushels of Ocean Clams harvested annually. Visit the Aquatic Network at for more fisheries information.
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