Capt Judy Helmey, Savannah, Fishing report 1-6


“Kicking Fish Tail Since 1956”

POB 30771


912 897 4921 912 897 3460 FAX

Captain Judy’s email

January 9, 2012

Saltwater Inshore, Offshore, Blue Water fishing reports, Freshies Suggestions, and “Little Miss Judy’s Believe It or Not story! Thanks for Reading!

Table of Contents

2012 INSHORE and OFFSHORE FISHING CLINICS to sign just one call that is all!

Surf Report

Spotted sea trout bite can be good, if…

Inshore fishing is good if….

Artificial reefs are holding lots of fish

Welcome to Sheepshead-Ville with Dave Zelski!

Savannah Snapper Banks Last year and this passed week!

Blue Water Report Black tuna or not!! Fishing the South Ledge!

Freshies Report “brrrream!”

Little Miss Judy’s Believe it or not! Parent’s Logic!!


To sign just one call that is all!

Dates have been set

Our newly revised inshore handout material is going to be considered “priceless!” We are going to give you the best times to fish for what, when, and where for the entire year of 2012.

Any inshore fisherman that is considering going offshore they need to attend my offshore class. For more details scroll down …

One Inshore School
Saturday February 4, 2012

One Offshore School

Saturday February 11, 2012

Time: 8:00AM – 2:00 PM

Place: Tubby’s Tank House 2909 River Drive, Thunderbolt, Georgia 31404

Cost: $ 90.00 (included one day class, breakfast, and lunch)

Please call 912 897 4921 now for reservations

Please sign up as soon as possible! There is limited entry!

Capt Judy’s email

Capt Judy’s Cell 912 429 7671

For more detailed information go to OR GIVE US A CALL 912 897 4921

To sign up just give us a call or email and we will put you on the list. After the first of the year we will contact to check the status! Thanks and hope to hear from you soon! Captain Judy

Surf Report

Still not a thing to report…

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Spotted sea trout bite can be good, if…

During the cold water season the spotted sea trout can be good. However, before expecting serious catching results I suggest trying to fish after a few days of a warming trend. Best bait is always going to be live shrimp under small adjustable float. However, for those that can work a fluke rigged weed less this will be your best bait when worked slow-to-go!

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Inshore fishing is good if….

As far as inshore fishing or should I say catching it’s good one day and not so the next! The secret is to pick sunny days where the tide is low during noon time. Then I suggest fishing the last half of the out going and the first half of the incoming. If that doesn’t work then I suggest stopping by the fish market on the way home!

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Artificial reefs are holding lots of fish

During this time the artificial reefs are holding a lot of fish. The fish you can keep are Sheepshead, black drum, and flounder. The down side is the reefs are covered with black sea bass and this season is closed to keeping until June 1. The rule of thumb goes like this 30 to 1. This means you might catch up to 30 black sea bass before catching a fish that you can keep!! However, it’s all still a lot of fun!!


Welcome to Sheepshead-Ville with Dave Zelski!

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Captain Judy is holding up Dave Zelski’s just caught Sheepshead. We were asked to do a show with Dave host of Georgia Travel on Georgia Public TV ..will keep you posted on date and time for the show.

The artificial reefs are now supporting the interest of some really nice size Sheepshead. The secret to getting this fish to take a bite is that you have to use the right bait. Best baits are going to be the ever popular purple back fiddler..please remember to hook this fish up you need to set the hook before the fish takes a bite!

Savannah Snapper Banks

Last year and this passed week!

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Summer 2011

Captain Kathy Brown and I (Captain Judy Helmey) trying holding up a nice pair of cobia. Believe me; I almost didn’t get my fish up off the deck!! Back to the gym!!

Naval Towers

It was reported by Daniel that the crew while fishing on Wayne’s boat “Fin” had a pretty interesting catch. After trolling a bit for black fin it was decided to make a few jigging passes by Naval tower R 7. They rigged up with 20 pound class rod/reel class set up loaded with 65 pound test Power Pro. The rig used was made with 80 pound test swivel and 11/2 foot of single strand 80 pound test wire, which was attached to an 8 ounce diamond jig. This rig was then dropped to the bottom near the legs of the tower and worked right off the bottom. Two jigs got hooked up and a good fight was had by both fishermen. When they got their fish to surface they found that they had both caught a nice cobia. If I have said it once I have said it at least thousands of times and that’s “You really never know what you might catch much less when, when fishing in the ocean!”

Vermilion Season will open April 1, 2012

Grouper season will open May 1 2012

Black sea bass will open June 1, 2012

Blue Water Report

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Gulf Stream fishing

For those fishermen that have been waiting to do a little blue water fishing now is the time. The south ledge is holding the interest of some really nice black fin tuna. This is one fish that will hit pulled cedar plugs or rigged dink ballyhoo. The secret is to troll the ledge area, look for temperature breaks, and any surface feeding activity

Black tuna or not!!

Fishing the South Ledge!

Captain Little Tommy Williams reported two interesting blue water fishing experiences…

Friday December 30, 2011

On his first blue water trip with the crew of the “Double Daly” they had a very productive blue water catching day. After arriving to the South Ledge area lines were set and a trolling plan was devised. The water temperature on this day around and over the South Ledge was around 74 degrees. While working this area the crew caught 8 black fin tuna (15 to 20 pounds) and 1 fifteen pound dolphin were put in the cooler.

Black Fin Tuna Tips You Can Use!!

It’s a known fact that you can catch tuna in cooler water. However, it seems that whatever the tuna are feeding on at the time prefers the water temperature to be in the mid seventies. My father used to say, “There is a good reason why black fin feed in erratic short bursts. According to my father as the black fin feeds its body gets over heated. When their body gets over heated the fish have to return back temporarily to cooler depths. This is one reason why tuna are known for fast and strong feeding occurrences!!

Sunday January 1, 2012

On the next trip to the same area with another group Captain Little Tommy found an entire different scenario. While fishing with Frank Scarborough and crew on boat “Wide Open” the fishing or should I say the “catching was not the same!’ Once arriving at the South Ledge they found that the water temperature was a cool 67 degrees. With lines out they worked the area looking for any temperature breaks. All surface temperature was about the same, which fell into a cool mid sixties range. As they worked the area they caught Bonita after Bonita after Bonita.

When Captain Little Tommy Williams determined that there weren’t any warmer temperatures to be found it was decided to do a little jigging on the ledge. Once situated over the ledge jigs were dropped and fishermen immediately hooked up. When what was on the end was finally brought to the surface it turned out to be some really nice amberjack, which were caught, fought, and released.

Freshies Report

According to Bill Babb fishing is good year around in the Savannah River below Clarks Hill Dam when targeting bream. However, when its winter time they are called “brrrream!”

Those fishermen that want to “GO FISH LAKE LANIER”

Bill Vanderford is “Lake Lanier’s Legend!”

For more about my long time friend Bill Vanderford as well as his accomplishments, his freshwater charter trips or wildlife tours, books written and his special line up of tackle offered, please visit his site for all the details! For more details go

Little Miss Judy’s Believe it or not!

Parent’s Logic!!

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Little Captain Judy with cap gun loaded, cowboy suit, hat, and boots! All this with the exception of a real pony!

Parent’s Logic

As a small child I always wanted a pony, but my father would never buy me one. It wasn’t because we didn’t have enough room, because we in fact had horse stables right on the property. His main reason for not letting me have a pony was because as he always said, “I would get run over by all of the traffic.” Boy, if he wanted to see traffic he ought to see it now. Back in the fifties on the Island when I was raised there wasn’t much traffic. So therefore I decided to do my own traffic count. In the mind of a seven year old it sounded like a good idea. I decided to lie in the road of which I did and count cars. I must have lain there a good hour before a car finally came by. Heck, I could have fallen asleep. At any rate, after I felt that my experiment was concluded I decided to go and tell daddy. I knew that he would be very proud of me. It turns out that daddy wasn’t so proud of me. In fact I was put on restriction for laying in the stupid no traffic traveled road.

When I wanted to go horseback riding he took me out to my Aunt Hattie’s farm, which was located on ever-busy highway 17. You must remember back in these old days super highway I-95 hadn’t even been thought of. As I got older I figured out that daddy either didn’t want to take care of a pony or he though I would get tired of one! He held stead fast with his decision and I never got my pony. However, I had a boat from the time that I was five years old! I guess according to my father drowning wasn’t an option in my case. However getting run over by the one car per hour that passed by our house was. I will never understand a parent’s logic!

Thanks for reading! Captain Judy

Captain Judy Helmey
912 897 4921

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