Trophy Hunter charters- fishing report 8-2

Blue Marlin! / Posted by: Kenneth Brown / 08/02/eleven
Attachment 198074
It is getting to be that time of year and we had some fascinating blue marlin motion final week. This was a single of a triple header we hooked on Tuesday. We invested the morning seeking tuna and caught 5 first factor. Jim had been a number of times already this calendar year and stated he had adequate meat so we wondered off hoping for a big bite. The motion heated up when 3 smaller blue marlin came in at as soon as. We hooked all 3 but pulled off a couple relatively swift. This fish weighed close to one hundred kilos. Thanks for the photo and we will get some far more up soon. Many thanks! 33
Attachment 198073

Yellowfins and Dolphin! / Posted by: Kenneth Brown / 08/01/eleven

Another mixed bag and excellent fishing for July. This was our catch on the 26th with some nice sized yellowfins. Our last offered dates till August 24 will be August 4, 5, and six. Seems like fishing slowed a minor yesterday but we will attempting yet again this early morning. Many thanks and permit us know if you would like to make a reservation. Desire everyone loved the journey!

Captain Kenneth Brown,,
Trophy Hunter Charters
Oregon Inlet Fishing Middle

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