In$ufi$hent Fund$ Mako Mania/ Tuna Report


we fished both days of the mako mania and the jersey coast shark anglers with horrible conditions each days. the lack of drift and warm water resulted in four makos 3 blue sharks 3 duskys and 6 tiger sharks in two days. by the stop of the 2nd day we have been disgusted and determined to attempt the scallop boats. i would like to thank the Barbra Ann for there gracious donation of scallops with out them we would not have been in a position to go 18 for 24 in an hour. in reality we in fact left them biting as we have been exhausted from each reeling them in and two days of sharking. we could only deal with our a single under fish however. we also tried live bunker that we had left from sharking and the tuna wished absolutely nothing to do with them. it was a fantastic way to conclude a terrible shark tournament. congrats to American Mustang for the win!



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