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Seven Law of Relationship Marketing Application

Keywords: relationship marketing relationship marketing practice of the principles of relationship marketing relationship marketing is great marketing system theory and the theory of the basic idea, the company exposure to socio-economic system to examine the business marketing activities,MAC cosmetics sale, that is a corporate marketing and consumers, competitors, suppliers, distributors,abercrombie outlet, government agencies and social organizations the process of interaction occurs. Marketing is the core of the right to deal with the relationship between these individuals and organizations will be associated with the establishment and development of good relations between individuals and organizations as a corporate marketing key to success. This paper from China Union WWW.LWLM.COM collected. Relationship marketing is to adapt to market competition resulting from the new changes. With the social and economic development, it is recognized that business as an economic organization which exists to create value and wealth for the community to meet people’s needs, the competition only as a means of business survival and development of one, but not the best strategy. When the increasing interdependence between enterprises, and ultimately become a cause of the Community, the enterprises will cooperate with the complementary relationship between life and death instead of the brutal competition in the past. Cooperation instead of competition can bring about the sharing of resources, sharing costs, spread risks and other benefits. Relationship marketing is put forward based on this. Compared with the traditional marketing relative, relationship marketing has the following basic features: two-way communication. The center of relationship marketing is to win customer loyalty, maintain customers. To do this,abercrombie uk, companies must be allowed to customers and the transmission of information between each other. Put on itself and its products, corporate information to the customer,cheap oakley sunglasses, the customer should also pay attention to listen to the views and feelings in order to make the customer has a feeling of being respected in order to generate trust in the enterprise. Concerted action. Relations can be divided into antagonistic relationships and collaboration between the two. Relationship marketing aims to eliminate businesses and other organizations and individuals and businesses within the existing antagonistic relationship to conversion or to establish mutual trust, mutual help and cooperation relations. Mutual benefit. This is a good premise and basis of relationship building. With each other in order to maintain long-term friendship and cooperative relations between the two sides of any party to think and make decisions, should be taken into account as much as possible the interests of each other, and must not simply from their own perspective. The interests of any party not satisfied, the two sides can not be good relations exist. Therefore, the key to relationship marketing is that it is the interests of both sides to find common ground, common interests and strive to be realized. Feedback mechanism. Relationship marketing business to really do a good job,MAC cosmetics wholesale, the need to establish specialized institutions, used to connect the two parties in order to understand the dynamic changes in business environment, collect feedback from business partners to track the attitude of various stakeholders to improve technology, improve product and services. From the visible, corporate can make good use of relationship marketing, and ultimately enable businesses to achieve sustainable development. Be applied to businesses how to do? I believe that the main principles should be followed: initiative. Taken the initiative to communicate in today’s economy this new era, every business customer in the own initiative signaled for the first long-term cooperation in the competition to find a partner, and each customer will be faced with the choice Which companies with whom long-term problems, which formed a long-term cooperation between enterprises in the search for partners in the competition. Active communication, in addition to getting a head start, the more important is that the companies want to cooperate with each other a sincere attitude, to the other party sends a signal to cooperate, so as to find partners. Win. The interests of the conspiracy. This is the basis for long-term cooperation can the two sides. Relationship marketing exist between the most important reason is that the interests of the two sides complement each other. If you do not realize their own interests and meet the two sides will not build a good relationship. Relationship marketing is the real relationship between the two sides to reach a mutually beneficial CIGNA. That abide by its commitments, in relationship marketing, companies will undoubtedly have to promise to each other promises, such as the However, the key issue is to honor these commitments, do not open the people who do not have a true friend. Sincere. That is true and sincere. A good working relationship is built on mutual understanding, based on mutual trust. To obtain the trust of each other, first of all to have a pious attitude, to cooperate with each other in good faith, any At the same time, but also realistic to their own information to each other, but there can be no deception.


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