Wrightsville Weekend Report on the Fishin’ Days

Nicely spring fishing is still excellent. We fished both days this past weekend.weekend. We headed offshore Sat with the Grainger loved ones and actually had a good day with 4 Wahoo, six Blackfin, 1 Yellowfin and 1 Mahi. All of our action was up the line in the very low 200’s. I started on the break in thirty fathoms, catching the blackfin and 2 of the hoo’s there. When it slowed down, I pushed off to 50-70 fathoms and caught the yellowfin and other two hoo’s out there. When again black and purple and blue and crystal had been the very hot colours on leading. On the planer, a black and red eye catcher outlaw worked finest. I heard of one white marlin launched and a blue marlin lost, so the billfish are showing up.

On Sunday, we had a ball with Mark Poovey and his buddies trolling along the seaside catching some good two-3lb Bluefish. We then hit Bluewater for Lunch and then headed back out for an afternoon of trolling once again, and located the fish again correct in front of the Oceanic pier, catching two Dozen great Bluefish and our first Spanish Mack of the yr.
We are fishing Friday and Saturday this weekend, but now have Saturday May possibly 7th open, the group had to transfer their trip to June.

Sorry for no pctures, I forgot the camera.

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