Free Gaza Mov: Israeli shooting palestinian fishermen boat 2

by What is terrorism? For a russian citizen terrorism is a kamikaze from Chechnya who blows himself up in a Moscow theatre. For a Grozny citizen terrorism is russian military which razed to the ground his town. For an American soldier based in Afghanistan terrorism is the mujaheddin exploding with a car-bomb in front of an american army base. For Afghan people living at the border with Pakistan terrorism are the NATO bombs coming form 10.000 metres distance on a marriage party and tear to shreds dozen of civilians. For a European tourist spending his holidays in Sharm El-Sheikhamerican army baseamerican army base terrorism is an act of violence and bombing against a holiday village. For an Egyptian living in a dusty village in the desert just few kilometres from that artificial paradise, terrorism is a government foddering his dictatorial power with thousands of euros coming from his tourist business while his sons are dying for starvation. As we can easily understand, it’s quite complicated finding a clear and unequivocal definition about what is terrorism; being the question itself so controversial, the answer strictly depends from which side we are observing the bloodsheds and in which side we are counting victims among friends and relatives. Few days ago 9/11 victims were sadly commemorated remembering a day of mourning for whole humanity, not only for New York citizens or for Chileans looking back on thousands of people dead and