How to Catch a Blue Marlin …the Hard Way!

An Endless Fight with a Blue Marlin
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Hook Up!!! – She Hit the iron as I was chatting with some friends on a anchored power boat about 20′ to my left. Luckly the fish wasted the first couple seconds of the fight trying to shake the hook allowing me to get into possition to avoid the anchor line and start filming. :15 – The fish starts its fist run directly twards the anchor line… :23 – SHIT !!! Tighten the drag and try to arch it out around the anchorline….rudder full right, pinned to the rail. :38 – by this time i’m sure the fish in clear of the anchor line as it starts it’s second run twards the kelp. Keep in mind, thats a Calstar 6’6″ 30-80lb rod, Saltist 30H & 40lb mono. 1:04 – at this point this fish has got me rattled and is pulling me directly into the kelp, At this point tighten the drag more and start peddling twards the kelp to get inbetween the kelp and the fish, or at least directly over the top of it. It’s do or die at this point!! 1:13 – Peddle peddle peddle, crank, crank, crank!!! Get over that fish!!!! 1:20 – Ahhh mother F@*$ ‘er !!!! Cant stop this fish and there’s kelp showing on the fishfinder….more drag!! 1:38 – I feel the kelp against my line…..more drag, Pop!!!! crank thru the kelp!!! and peddle away from the kelp… 2:00 – Poped thru a couple more strands, back on the fish and peddling away from the kelp, the fish is starting to come up easy so I start backing off the drag a little as I keep peddling away from the kelp. 2:16 – The fish is finally spent and at deep color, back the
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