Check it folks. Head on over!

In response to a comment by user: reddibacon: “way to delete my comment, you coward.” Dear Reddibacon, I did indeed delete your comment. I found it juvenile, and as I agree with you about endangered species, I thought your approach actually made me and other conservationists appear crude and informidable. I was actually going to delete the whole video of the Mako Shark encounter, as I don’t want people to view it. The same way I would delete a video of other activities I do not condone. I have changed my mind. I have been researching the Mako Shark’s endangered status all morning in response to your comments. Apparently they are listed as threatened, but not endangered, and the rating is regional (ie one blanket rating is not realistic for the entire planet – as in some areas they are more or less rare than others). I am not condoning the killing of a threatened species by leaving this video up – in fact, I was unaware that they were listed at all. This video remains now in order to educate other fisherman about researching the status of the fish they may catch before they go out fishing. I am an owner of a sportfishing company in Mexico, and starting today, we have initiated a release policy for any species regionally listed in Baja California Sur, the same as we do for Billfish. Despite his/her lack of manners and tact, I must thank reddibacon for assisting me in this. Apparently the Mako Shark is listed as “threatened” on the endangered species list. We are currently